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Safari for Windows 10

Safari is Apple’s Web Browser for its Mac OS. Safari is also available for Windows. You already know Windows 10 comes with Internet Explorer as its default browser. If you want to use Safari on your Windows 10 PC or laptop, you have to download Safari for Windows 10.

Safari is a popular web browser which comes with with features like speed, easy of usage and fast browsing with attractive graphics.


  • Tabs on Top: Safari’s latest version has retain tabs on top feature for easier page management.
  • Cover Flow: Feature from earlier version of Safari for windows which flips through your bookmarked websites iTunes style.
  • Reader Icon: New feature in version 5. New reader icon is for easier reading in one page.
  • Top Sites: Safari was the first browser for Windows to introduce Top Sites. Top Sites shows a panoramic thumbnail view of your most visited sites in one screen. Now you can easily visit website you wanted by just clicking thumnail.
  • VoiceOver Screen Reader
  • ARIA Support
  • Enhanced Keyboard Navigation
  • Full-Page Zoom
  • Zoom Text Only
  • Closed Captions for HTML5 Video
  • Custom Style Sheets
  • Minimum Font Size

Safari for Windows 10

Many of our readers asked us that when they browse the official safari web page they didn’t found Safari for Windows link.

Am I missing something? When I go to:

There isn’t a download link!


Apple has discontinued the Windows version of Safari. If you still wants to run Safari on Windows 10, you can download the last available Windows version (5.1.7) from link given below.

Apple Safari for Windows

Author: Apple Inc.
Date: May 10, 2012
Size: 36.7 MB
Licence: Freeware
Platform: Windows
Download Safari for Windowsclick here.



One thought to “Safari for Windows 10”

  1. Currently I am using Microsoft Edge and Chrome? I want to download Safari for Windows 10?

    Which is the best performing web browser for Windows 10: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari?

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